Multiple modifications may be applied to a single weapon, but only one of each specific mod may be applied (a barrel can’t be extended more than once!) Choose Wisely Modifications also permanently increase the value of the weapon they are applied to, and this increase of value applies even if the weapon is broken at the time. It will also have a different physical appearance depending on which mod has been applied. On return to the inventory, the weapon will now have a + next to it, indicating that it is now an improved weapon.

Other than this, the best way to find weapon modifiers is to simply check out what the different merchants around the game have for sale. Silver Rush also has a lot of mods for energy weapons, as you may expect.

The most popular place to pick them up is at the Gun Runners' stall, just outside of New Vegas, which has a huge range of different mods to choose from. In Fallout: New Vegas, weapon mods can be found in a number of places. Installing 20 or more weapon mods also grants the player a trophy or achievement, which may be a big draw for some of you. It also gives players the capability to specialize a weapon more towards their own style of play. They can also improve weapons to such a degree that they rival the unique weapons in power and usefulness. The answer to the question is a fairly simple - it allows weapons to be made much more powerful than their base statistics, giving them more stopping power.