Magyars - Fully upgraded Heavy Cavalry Archer and Paladin. Have fully upgradable Bombard Tower and Siege Onager. Japanese - Full Archery Range (along with Saracens). Goths - Lack Stone Walls (like the Cumans). Have Camel Rider, but not Heavy Camel Rider. Full Dock (along with Spanish).Ĭhinese - Have Bombard Tower, but lack Bombard Cannon as well as Hand Cannoneer.Ĭumans - Have Siege Ram and Siege Onager, but without Siege Engineers.
Between Monastery and University, can research the most technologies (only lacks one university tech).īulgarians - Lack Fast Fire Ship/Heavy Demolition Ship as well as Dry Dock/Shipwright/Two-Man Saw.īurgundians - Have all eco techs (along with Byzantines and Persians).īyzantines - Have all eco techs (along with Burgundians and Persians). Along with Teutons, only civ with fully upgraded Halberdier/Bombard Cannon/Hand Cannoneer. Arbalesters lack Thumb Ring and Ring Archer Armor (along with Sicilians).īohemians - Non-meso civ without Cavalry Archer. I hope there aren't too many mistakes, finding these patterns is not easy.Īztecs - Lack Galleons (along with Malians). If something peculiar is shared by more than two civs, it's not been included (I made an exception for having all eco techs). Inspired by u/aflyingnun noticing something only the Malians have and this Trirem post.Ĭivs with bonuses that replace or improve techs count as having them (Cumans "have" Husbandry, Celts "have" Squires, Franks "have" Bloodlines for their heavy cavalry,and so on, but Folwark isn't considered to be always better than Mill because of cost).